@article{1177, keywords = {air force capabilities, air force technologies, balanced scorecard, Force planning, operations research, QPR, task list}, author = {Velizar Shalamanov}, title = {2020 Air Force Mission Capabilities Packages from Operational Analysis Perspective}, abstract = {
This article deals with the development of Air Force mission capabilities packages. To this end, it addresses the challenge of operational analysis of the complex relationships among end users, services, missions and tasks of the Air Force, capabilities, resources, units, etc. The author emphasizes the importance of creating respective service-oriented governmental architecture. The need for definition of Universal Task List (UTL) for the whole security sector and distribution of capabilities among security sector organizations is also outlined. A systematic op-erational analysis for capabilities/force structure planning and mission capabilities packages (MCP) planning for certain operations/services is thoroughly presented.
}, year = {2007}, journal = {Information & Security: An International Journal}, volume = {21}, pages = {69-81}, month = {2007}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.11610/isij.2106}, language = {eng}, }