@article{1201, keywords = {Effect-Based Operations, battlespace, understanding, quantity of intelligence information needed for understanding the information, “pulsation” of information at situation change}, author = {Gueorgui Tornev}, title = {Modeling Support to Battlespace Awareness}, abstract = {

Information operations, network-centric operations and, certainly, ef­fect-based operations have become very popular in the last few years. Information, with its importance for battlespace awareness, occupies a special place in all three types of operations. The objective of this article is to impart a quantitative evalua­tion to this understanding to the extent possible. This would enable the creation of mathematical models, by means of which to investigate different information proc­esses in the pursuit of understanding (or misleading the enemy) of the current or predicted situations.

}, year = {2007}, journal = {Information & Security: An International Journal}, volume = {22}, pages = {92-101}, month = {2007}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.11610/isij.2209}, language = {eng}, }