01731nas a2200217 4500000000100000008004100001260000900042653001300051653001500064653001500079653002400094653002300118653002000141100001900161700002000180700001800200245008200218300001100300490000700311520119500318 2015 d c201510aBulgaria10acorruption10agovernance10aPolitical stability10asecurity discourse10asocial security1 aValeri Ratchev1 aVesselin Petkov1 aTodor Tagarev00aEvolving Security Concepts: The Premium on Governance in the Case of Bulgaria a83-1070 v333 a
The EvoCS project analysed security perceptions and discourses in 12 countries, including Bulgaria. The authors of the Bulgarian case study introduce the particular ‘transitional’ context of the security discourse, briefly describe the project methodology and present the research results for Bulgaria, along with explanation of the historical and social influences on security perceptions. The Bulgarian security discourse emerged as unique among all twelve examined in EvoCS. It is dominated by the “political stability and security” core value and the overarching theme is governance – in the political, social, and economic spheres, as well as in facing the pervasive threat of corruption. The case study epitomises a double disconnect – between the official Bulgarian security discourse and societal perceptions of security challenges, on one hand, and between challenges identified in EU security strategies and challenges faced by Bulgaria, on the other. This is reflected in the final section of the paper, presenting policy recommendations on making the security discourse in Bulgaria more relevant to the challenges the country faces and the societal interests.