01005nas a2200169 4500000000100000008004100001653002100042653002700063653000800090653002000098100001600118700002000134245008000154300000900234490000700243520058500250 2022 d10abelief functions10ameasure of uncertainty10aMoU10aShannon entropy1 aJean Dezert1 aAlbena Tchamova00aOn the Effectiveness of Measures of Uncertainty of Basic Belief Assignments a9-360 v523 a
This article examines many existing measures of uncertainty of basic belief assignments proposed in the literature related to the theory of belief funcĀtions. Some measures capture only a particular aspect of the uncertainty, others propose a total measure of uncertainty to characterize the information quality of a source of information. We discuss the effectiveness of these measures with respect to four main important desiderata that we consider essential for the definition of a satisfactory measure of uncertainty, i.e. effective entropy of basic belief assignment.