01108nas a2200145 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260004000043100001300083700001900096700001700115245005100132300011100183520066800294 2005 d bSpringer Berlin HeidelbergaBerlin 1 aAng Yang1 aHussein Abbass1 aRuhul Sarker00aWISDOM-II: A Network Centric Model for Warfare a9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings, Part III3 a
With recognition of warfare as a complex adaptive system, a number of agent based distillation systems for warfare have been developed and adopted to study the dynamics of warfare and gain insight into military operations. These systems have facilitated the analysis and understanding of combat. However these systems are unable to meet the new needs of defence arising from the deeper understanding of warfare and the emergence of the theory of network centric warfare. In this paper, we propose a network centric model which provides a new approach to understand and analyse the dynamics of both platform centric and network centric warfare.