Information & Security: An International Journal (ISIJ) covers scientific, technological, organizational, and policy issues related to national, international, and societal security in the Information age, C4ISR technologies and systems, information operations, cyber security, and hybrid conflict. The Journal aims to facilitate exchange of information between IT and security professionals on the state of the art, new findings, novel ideas and requirements and to present latest research, conducted ‘on the bridge’ between the two communities.
In therms of fields of application, ISIJ covers cybersecurity; defence; internal/homeland and societal security; intelligence and counterintelligence; counterterrorism; military and security operations; critical infrastructures protection and e-Government; emergency/crisis management and disaster risk reduction; logistics and supply chain security; and education & training.
ISIJ covers conceptual developments and implementation challenges in foreign, security and defence policy, strategy and doctrine; command, control, and coordination; hybrid threats; resilience; IT governance and management; process improvement; security and technology foresight; risk assessment and management; organizational agility and innovation in security and defence.
In regard to technologies and solutions, ISIJ presents origina; research on C4ISR technologies and systems, sensors, sensor networks, target acquisition, and communications; organizational and C4ISR architectures, systems engineering and systems development; modelling and simulation; operations research, systems analysis, and decision support; cryptography and related methods and technologies, e.g. steganography; big data, data mining, data and information fusion; deep learning and artificial intelligence; and emerging technologies, including quantum computing, blockchains, robotics and UxVs with important implications to security and defence.