Information & Security: An International Journal (ISIJ) accepts for review original manuscripts that have not been previously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere.
Please submit your manuscript via our Submissions Management system (it may take a day to have your profile approved). Alternatively, you can send the manuscript directly to the ISIJ Managing Editor via infosec [at] procon [dot] bg
Manuscripts are checked for plagiarism and reviewed by at least two reviewers for significance and scholarliness. Every effort is made to inform authors within one month whether a paper is accepted, require revision prior to possible publication, or is rejected.
ISIJ is an open-access journal, with no publication charges for authors. However, when a paper is accepted, the authors need to provide a fully formatted version for publication following the journal guidelines (using the ISIJ template on this page) and in a publishable English language. If that is not the case, there is a charge for editing and/or formatting a paper accepted for publication.
Accepted manuscripts may be further edited for adherence to Journal format and style, clarity, syntax, and punctuation.
Authors must transfer copyright in writing to the publisher when an article is accepted for publication.
Once this process is over, the article is published in a "preview" mode and is thus citable immediately (see the current list of preview articles). The final version with page numbers is published when the thematice volume is complete.