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Reviewed article

Debates around Britain’s National Security Are Characterized by a Paucity of Effective Leadership and a Surfeit of Political Cowardice

How to cite:
Timothy Parsons
"Debates around Britain’s National Security Are Characterized by a Paucity of Effective Leadership and a Surfeit of Political Cowardice"
Information & Security: An International Journal,
55-66 .

Debates around Britain’s National Security Are Characterized by a Paucity of Effective Leadership and a Surfeit of Political Cowardice


Information & Security: An International Journal,
Volume: 52,


Leadership, both political and operational, in policing and security is essential in a highly conflicted world. In Britain, politicians avoid discussion of crime and terrorism challenges they are reluctant to confront and have no idea how to resolve. There is much displacement activity, public discourse is directed away from recurring issues and offender behaviours and towards vacuous debates about online commentary and civility in public life. Britain’s disastrous neo-colonial adventure in Afghanistan has taught politicians few lessons and continues to exercise a malign influence on counter-terrorism strategy and attitudes to global security. Instead of a robust review and rapid reform of policing and security responses to crime and terrorism at home, a new pseudo-scientific approach to policing and public security has emerged. This paper roundly condemns and flatly rejects this untested and unwanted reform. The fundamentals of good policing and community security are well-rehearsed and understood. They should be revisited.