Current members of the Editorial Board of Information & Security: An International Journal:
- Stoyan AVRAMOV, PhD, Technical University of Sofia - Plovdiv branch & Telesys Ltd.
- Sean COSTIGAN, Professor, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies
- Loren DIEDRICHSEN, Consultant for MITRE, former General Manager of the NATO C3 Agency (now NCIA)
- Franco FIORE, Principal Scientist, NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA)
- Philipp FLURI, Professor, Internaitonal Affairs, Wenzao Ursuline University, Taiwan
- Stefan HADJITODOROV, D.Sc., Professor, Vice President, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and Director of its Centre for National Security and Defense Research
- Paul E. HOWLAND, Ph.D., Chief Scientist, NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA)
- Vyacheslav KHARCHENKO, Prof., D.Sc., National Aerospace University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
- Uwe NERLICH, Dr., Director, Centre for European Security Strategies, Germany
- Klaus NIEMEYER, Niemeyer Operations Analysen, Germany
- Valentin PENEV, Associate Professor, Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Georgij POTCHEPSOV, Prof. Dr., Mariupol State University, Ukraine
- Michel RADEMAKER, Deputy Director, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
- Valeri RATCHEV, Ambassador and Associate Senior Fellow of the Centre for Security and Defence Management, Bulgaria
- Tzvetan SEMERDJIEV, D.Sc., Guest Professor, "G.S. Rakovski" Defence Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Velizar SHALAMANOV, Deputy Director, Institute of ICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- George SHARKOV, PhD, Director, ESI Center Bulgaria - Regional Software Engineering Excellence Center of the European Software Institute
- Nikolai STOIANOV, Deputy Director, Bulgarian Defence Institute
- Todor TAGAREV, Editor-in-Chief, Professor, IT for Security Department, Institute of ICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Timothy THOMAS, Lt.Col. (Ret.), Foreign Military Studies Office, Forth Leavenworth, USA
- Theodora TSIKRIKA, PhD, Information Technologies Institute, CERTH, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Andreas WENGER, Professor, Centre for Security Studies, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland
- Yantsislav YANAKIEV, Professor, Bulgarian Defence Institute, Sofia
- Volodymyr ZASLAVSKYI, Professor, D.Sc., Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine
We gratefully acknowledge the contribution to the Editorial Board of its former members, who in their free time made the success of Information & Security: An International Journal possible:
- Vladimir ANASHIN, Professor, D.Sc., Institute for Information Sciences and Security Technologies, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
- Iosif ANDROULIDAKIS, PhD, University of Ioannina, Greece
- John BAMFORD, International Business Management and Comuter Consultancy, England
- Andrew BORDEN, Colonel (USAF Ret.), DRH Consulting, USA
- Andrey FEDULOV, Professor, D.Sc., Centre for IT and the System of Bodies of the Executive Power, Moscow, Russia
- Heinz PRUNSCH, PhD, ATLAS Elektronik GmbH, Germany
For inquiries contact Ms Nataliya Ivanova, ISIJ Assistant Editor, ar infosec [at] procon [dot] bg