Depending on their role in the publication process, everyone contributing to Information & Security: An International Journal (ISIJ) needs to acquaint themselves and accept the respective ethical responsibilities:
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
At the time of the submission of a manuscript to Information & Security: An International Journal, authors must take into consideration the following ethical standards:
- Authors guarantee that their manuscript is original, does not infringe the copyright of anyone, and it has neither been previously published nor is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Manuscripts must be free from any form of plagiarism, which is considered to be highly unethical and unprofessional and is likely to bring the author and the publisher into disrepute. Kindly note that if suspicion is raised about the originality of the manuscript (unattributed to source), the Editorial Board may check the manuscript for plagiarism. Manuscripts will be rejected by the Editorial Board if they contain any form of plagiarism – intentional and/or unintentional plagiarism. Self-plagiarism is also unacceptable.
- Manuscripts must display all credits due; acknowledgement of the work (ideas, concepts, words, among others) of third parties must be properly displayed (For more details regarding how to cite/quote, please refer to the the Chicago Manual of Style, is external)).
- Should the need arise; authors must be ready to provide both to the publisher, Procon Ltd., and the Reviewers with the raw data and procedures used in their manuscript. Inaccurate or fraudulent data or procedures violate the ethical standards of Information & Security: An International Journal and disqualifies the manuscript for consideration for publication.
- The corresponding author has the responsibility to make sure that all parties who contributed to the submitted manuscript are properly displayed inside the manuscript either as co-authors or as contributors. Also, it is the duty of the corresponding author to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the final version of the manuscript and that there was a full consensus of all the authors with regard to its submission to Information & Security: An International Journal.
Ethical Responsibilities of the ISIJ Editorial Board
At the time of the evaluation of a manuscript submitted for publication in Information & Security: An International Journal, the Editorial Board must take into consideration the following ethical standards:
- Manuscripts will always be evaluated only based on their intellectual merit and contribution to the aims and scope of Information & Security: An International Journal, as the Editorial Board adheres to standards of fairness, integrity, and objectivity.
- The Editorial Board ensures the confidentiality of the manuscript and related materials submitted by the authors to Information & Security: An International Journal. The manuscript and related materials will only be disclosed to the corresponding author, reviewers, and the publisher.
- The Editorial Board ensures that unpublished materials revealed in a submitted manuscript will not be used by the members of the Editorial Board who had access to the manuscript during the review/publication process for any other purpose other than the Editorial process without the consent of the author(s).
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
At the time of the review of a manuscript considered for publication in Information & Security: An International Journal, reviewers must take into consideration the following ethical standards:
- Reviewers commit themselves to assist the Editorial Board in the editorial decisions regarding the suitability of a manuscript for publication in Information & Security: An International Journal .
- Manuscripts will always be evaluated only based on their intellectual merit and contribution to the aims and scope of Information & Security: An International Journal, as the reviewers should adhere to standards of fairness, integrity, and objectivity. Kindly note that personal criticism is unacceptable.
- Reviewers who feel that their review comments might be biased and/or unqualified regarding a particular manuscript submitted for publication to Information & Security: An International Journal should notify the Editorial Board immediately and excuse themselves from the review process.
- Reviewers should be clear in their review comments and provide proper explanations and arguments for their decisions. If suspicion is raised about the originality of the manuscript (unattributed to source), reviewers are expected to notify the Editorial Board immediately, with the appropriate justification.
- During the review process, reviewers will keep in mind at all times that the manuscript and related materials are confidential.
- Reviewers warrant that they will not use the manuscripts and related materials submitted for publication in Information & Security: An International Journal for any other purpose other than the peer review process, without the Editorial Board´s and/or author´s permission.
These guidelines on publication ethics and avoiding malpractice underline the ethical behavior of authors, editors, and reviewers involved in the review and publication process of manuscripts submitted to Information & Security: An International Journal (ISIJ). They are not exhaustive. If in doubt, please do not hesitate to request clarification by using the contact form on this website.