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Title Total views
Information Assurance Benefits and Challenges: An Introduction 631
Analysis of Cybersecurity Issues in the Maritime Industry 450
Russian Reflexive Control Campaigns Targeting Political Realignment of Ukraine’s Democratic Allies: Critical Review and Conceptualization 416
Cognitive Attacks in Russian Hybrid Warfare 397
The Need for Emotional Cues Analysis in OSINT in Countering Reflexive Control Information Warfare Campaigns: A Critical Review and Reconceptualization 386
Capture the Flag for Cyber-Resilience Exercising through Cryptographic Puzzles and Collaborative Problem-Solving 379
Blockchain and AI for the Next Generation Energy Grids: Cybersecurity Challenges and Opportunities 342
How to Support Teams to be Remote and Productive: Group Decision-Making for Distance Collaboration Software Tools 335
Interorganizational Cooperation in Supply Chain Cybersecurity: A Cross-Industry Study of the Effectiveness of the UK Implementation of the NIS Directive 282
Interorganizational Cooperation and the Fight against Terrorism in West Africa and the Sahel 260
OSINT on the Dark Web: Child Abuse Material Investigations 226
Security Analysis of Diceware Passphrases 213
NATO-EU Cooperation in Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence Offers Unrivalled Advantages 205
The Influence of Knowledge and Attitude on Intention to Adopt Cybersecure Behaviour 199
Capabilities-based Planning for Security Sector Transformation 199
Utilising Experiential and Organizational Learning Theories to Improve Human Performance in Cyber Training 196
The Importance of the 1936 Montreux Convention for the Black Sea Security: A Close Look into Russia-NATO Controversy on the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict in 2022 189
Ethics of Cybersecurity and Biomedical Ethics: Case SHAPES 182
AI-driven Cybersecurity Solutions, Cyber Ranges for Education & Training, and ICT Applications for Military Purposes 173
A New Steganographic Algorithm for Hiding Messages in Music 168
Host-based Intrusion Detection Using Signature-based and AI-driven Anomaly Detection Methods 163
Synthetic Data Generation for Fraud Detection Using Diffusion Models 162
Cyber Threat Prediction with Machine Learning 159
Enhancing the Organisational Culture related to Cyber Security during the University Digital Transformation 154
A Logical Model for Multi-Sector Cyber Risk Management 153
Challenges in a 2035 Perspective: Roles for the EU as a Global Security Provider? 151
Policy and Legal Frameworks of Using Armed Forces for Domestic Disaster Response and Relief 150
Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Self-Organizing Maps 148
Legislation, Vulnerability and Disaster Risk Management of Waterborne Diseases in Zimbabwe 146
Perspectives in the Design of a Modern Cybersecurity Training Programme: The ECHO Approach 143
Organizational Learning in the Academic Literature – Systematic Literature Review 134
CISE as a Tool for Sharing Sensitive Cyber Information in Maritime Domain 132
Defining the Concept of ‘Hybrid Warfare’ Based on the Analysis of Russia’s Aggression against Ukraine 130
A System-of-Systems Approach to Cyber Security and Resilience 127
Training as a Tool of Fostering CIP Concept Implementation: Results of a Table Top Exercise on Critical Energy Infrastructure Resilience 125
Towards Unified European Cyber Incident and Crisis Management Ontology 123
Cyber Protection of Critical Infrastructures, Novel Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Solutions 123
ECHO Early Warning System as a Preventive Tool against Cybercrime in the Energy Sector 120
A Clustering Method for Information Summarization and Modelling a Subject Domain 120
Governance Consulting Services and Tools: Governance Model Design for Collaborative Networked Organisations in the Cyber Domain 115
Public Key Generation Principles Impact Cybersecurity 114
What If Blockchain Cannot Be Blocked? Cryptocurrency and International Security 114
Evolving Models of Using Armed Forces in Domestic Disaster Response and Relief 113
Cyber Situational Awareness and Information Sharing in Critical Infrastructure Organizations 113
Cybernetic Approach to Developing Resilient Systems: Concept, Models and Application 113
Towards a Robust and Scalable Cyber Range Federation for Sectoral Cyber/Hybrid Exercising: The Red Ranger and ECHO Collaborative Experience 113
Information Sharing Models for Early Warning Systems of Cybersecurity Intelligence 110
Challenges in E-Government and Security of Information 107
Governance Consulting Services and Tools: Transition Planning and Implementation for Collaborative Networked Organisations in the Cyber Domain 107
Educational NASA Project: Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity at a Mobile Lunar Base 104