Harri Ruoslahti, Ilkka Tikanmäki"E-Skills in Cybersecurity."International Conference on Multimedia Communications, Services and Security, MCSS 2022: Multimedia Communications, Services and Security(2022):36–48.
Kirsi Aaltola, Harri Ruoslahti, Jarmo Heinonen"Desired Cybersecurity Skills and Skills Acquisition Methods in the Organizations."21st European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security(2022):
Eveliina Hytönen, Amir Trent, Harri Ruoslahti"Societal Impacts of Cyber Security in Academic Literature: Systematic Literature Review."21st European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security(2022):
Ilona Frisk, Ilkka Tikanmäki, Harri Ruoslahti"Piloting the ECHO e-Skills and Training Toolkit."Information & Security: An International Journal53,no. 2(2022):163-175.5311_e-skills_training_toolkit.pdf
Jyri Rajamäki, Harri Ruoslahti"ECHO Federated Cyber Range as a Tool for Validating SHAPES Services."European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security(2021):
Harri Ruoslahti, Janel Coburn, Amir Trent, Ilkka Tikanmäki"Cyber Skills Gaps – A Systematic Review of the Academic Literature."Connections: The Quarterly Journal20,no. 2(2021):33-
Jouni Pöyhönen, Jyri Rajamäki, Harri Ruoslahti, Martti Lehto"Cyber Situational Awareness in Critical Infrastructure Protection."Disaster Risk Sciences3,no. 1(2020):
Kirsi Aaltola, Harri Ruoslahti"Societal Impact Assessment of a Cyber Security Network Project."Information & Security: An International Journal46,no. 1(2020):53-64.4604_societal_impact_cn_project.pdf
Harri Ruoslahti, Amir Trent"Organizational Learning in the Academic Literature – Systematic Literature Review."Information & Security: An International Journal46,no. 1(2020):65-78.4605_organizational_learning.pdf
Harri Ruoslahti"From Classroom to Online Teaching – A Case during COVID19."Information & Security: An International Journal46,no. 3(2020):285-292.4620_teaching_during_covid19.pdf