Assoc. Prof. Zlatogor Minchev is the Head of IT for Security Department & Senior Researcher at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies(link is external) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences(link is external). He is also the Director of the Joint Training Simulation and Analysis Center.
Computer science professional, combining solid theoretical and rich practical experience. Specializing in the fields of: cyber security, computer science, serious gaming, security sector governance, crisis management, defence planning, cybernetics, robotics, electronics, biosignal processing.
Member of the: Union of the Bulgarian Mathematicians(link is external), Union of Automation and Informatics “John Vincent Atanassov”(link is external), Bulgarian Society of Physiological Sciences(link is external)(2011-2016), NATO Research and Technology Organization(link is external) (2006-2010), Editorial Board of the Journal of Defense Management(link is external), Association of the Officers in the Reserve “Atlantic” Managing Board(link is external) (2012-2014), E-Sigurnost(link is external) (honourable member since 2016), Association of Communication & Information Specialists(link is external) (Deputy Chairman, since 2016).
CSDM Views
CSDM Views
Romanian Cyber Security Journal
no. 2
IT4Sec Reports
IT4Sec Reports
IT4Sec Reports
IT4Sec Reports
Information & Security: An International Journal
no. 2
National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society"
"Румъния: Способности, Организация, Политики и Законодателство за Управление на Кризи и Отговор при Бедствия."
IT4Sec Reports
5th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education (ICAICTSEE – 2015)
"Future Threats and Challenges in Cyberspace."
CSDM Views
"Прогнозни заплахи и предизвикателства в киберпространството."
CSDM Views
National Conference on Informatics, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Professor Peter Barnev
"Romania: Capabilities, Organisations, Policies, and Legislation in crisis management and disaster response."
IT4Sec Reports
Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Special Issue on Information Fusion
no. 7
"Cyber Threats Analysis In On-Line Social Networks With A Study On User Response."
IT4Sec Reports
"Анализ на кибер заплахите в интернет социални мрежи с изследване на потребителския отговор."
IT4Sec Reports
"Academic Research on Cybersecurity."
It4Sec Reports
"Cyber Threats in Social Networks and Users’ Response Dynamics."
IT4Sec Reports
"Съвременни насоки и тенденции на развитие на киберрисковете и киберзаплахите."
IT4Sec Reports
"Evolving Academic Contribution to the Development of Bulgaria's Emergency Management Capabilities."
Early Recovery and Consequence Management in The Aftermath of Natural and Man-Made Disasters in the Greater Black Sea Area
Bucharest, Romania.
"Кибер заплахи в социалните мрежи и динамика на потребителскиите реакции."
IT4Sec Reports
"Selected M&S Capabilities with Application in the Security Area."
IT4Sec Reports
"Киберсигурността и киберотбраната – елементи на интелигентната отбрана през 21 век. Тенденции и развитие."
IT4Sec Reports
"Основни способности в моделирането и симулациите с приложения в сферата на сигурността."
IT4Sec Reports
"Атаки върху критичната инфраструктура."
IT4Sec Reports
"Critical Infrastructure Attacks."
IT4Sec Reports
"Cybersecurity and cyberdefence – elements of smart defence in 21st Century."
IT4Sec Reports
"Threats and Challenges in Social Networks. A European Glance and Alliance Perspective in the Context of the New Strategic Concept."
IT4Sec Reports
"За нов подход при превъоръжаването на Въоръжените сили на Република България."
IT4Sec Reports
"Bulgarian Emergency Management System."
IT4Sec Reports
"Система за управление в извънредни ситуации на Република България."
IT4Sec Reports
"Five years research and development of information systems for security."
IT4Sec Reports
"For a new approach to the modernization of the Bulgarian armed forces."
IT4Sec Reports
"Заплахи и предизвикателства в социалните мрежи: Европейски поглед и перспективата на НАТО в контекста на новата Стратегическа концепция."
IT4Sec Reports
"Information Processes and Threats in Social Networks: A Case Study."
IT4Sec Reports
"Информационни процеси и заплахи в социалните мрежи."
IT4Sec Reports
"New Cyber Security Challenges."
IT4Sec Reports
"Пет години изследвания и развитие на информационни системи в интерес на сигурността."
IT4Sec Reports
"New threats in cyberspace."
IT4Sec Reports
"Нови заплахи в киберпространството."
IT4Sec Reports
"Joint Training Simulation and Analysis Center (JTSAC) Technical Report."
IT4Sec Reports
"Methodology for developing scenarios and context scenarios for defense planning."
Methodology and scenarios for defense planning
"Методика за разработване на сценарии и контекстни сценарии за отбранително планиране."
Методология и сценарии за отбранително планиране
"Methodology for Designing Defence Planning Scenarios."
Methodology and scenarios for defense planning
"Context Scenarios for Defence Planning."
Methodology and scenarios for defense planning