Velizar Shalamanov, Ivan Blagoev, Iliyan Iliev"Ниво на зрялост на кибер сигурността на инфраструктурата в домейна"IT4Sec Reports(2022):it4sec_reports_143.pdf
Iliyan Iliev, Ivan Blagoev"An Approach to Improve Web Video Streaming Security and Prevent Personal Data Leakage."Information & Security: An International Journal53,no. 1(2022):78-88 .5306_video_streaming_security.pdf
Velizar Shalamanov, Ivan Blagoev, Iliyan Iliev"Level of maturity of the Cybersecurity of the infrastructure in the domain"IT4Sec Reports(2022):it4sec_reports_143_0.pdf
Ivan Blagoev, Todor Balabanov, Iliyan Iliev"RSA Weaknesses Caused by the Specifics of Random Number Generation."Information & Security: An International Journal50,no. 2(2021):171-179 .5028_rsa_rng_vulnerabilities.pdf
Ivan Blagoev, Todor Balabanov, Iliyan Iliev"The Randomness in Shared Web Hostings."BGSIAM’21. 16th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM(2021):