Turgay Çelik, Bedi̇r Tekinerdogan, Kayhan İmre"Deriving Feasible Deployment Alternatives for Parallel and Distributed Simulation Systems."ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS)23,no. 3(2013):Article No. 18 .
Turgay Çelik, Bedi̇r Tekinerdogan"S-IDE: A tool framework for optimizing deployment architecture of High Level Architecture based simulation systems."Journal of Systems and Software86,no. 10(2013):2520-2541.
Turgay Çelik, Göktuğ Gökdoğan, Karahan Öztürk"An HLA-based tactical environment application framework ."The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology10,no. 3(2013):217-233.