Atanas Kuzmanov, Venelin Georgiev"Catalog of Human Factor Roles in Cyberspace."IT4Sec Reports(2022):it4sec_reports_147.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Productive and Counter-Productive Balance in Security."CSDM Views(2022):views_044.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Продуктивен и Контра Продуктивен Баланс в Сигурността."CSDM Views(2022):views_044_0.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"The ‘Balance’ As a Panacea for Achieving (Cyber)Security."IT4Sec Reports(2022):it4sec_reports_145.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"„Балансът“ Като Панацея за Постигане на (Кибер)Сигурност."IT4Sec Reports(2022):it4sec_reports_145_0.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Cyber Security Capabilities Maturity Model Based on a Balanced Scorecard."IT4Sec Reports(2022):it4sec_reports_146.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Модел за Оценяване на Зрелостта на Способностите за Киберсигурност на Базата на Балансирана Карта от Показатели за Ефективност."IT4Sec Reports(2022):it4sec_reports_146_0.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Въпроси и рискове, свързани с ресурсното осигуряване на Програмата за развитие на отбранителните способности на Въоръжените сили на Република България 2032."CSDM Views(2021):views_042.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Comparative Analysis of Models for Assessing the Maturity of Cybersecurity Capabilities."IT4Sec Reports(2021):it4sec_reports_138.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Сравнителен Анализ на Модели за Оценяване на Зрелостта на Способностите за Киберсигурност."IT4Sec Reports(2021):it4sec_reports_138_0.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"An Organizational Cybersecurity Program."IT4Sec Reports(2021):139_it4sec_reports.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Програма за киберсигурност на организацията."IT4Sec Reports(2021):139_it4sec_reports.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"A Conceptual Model for Resilience in the field of Secuirty."IT4Sec Reports(2021):it4sec_reports_141.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Main Issues and Risks Related to the Provision of Resources for Bulgaria’s Defence Capabilities Development Programme 2032."CSDM Views(2021):views_042_0.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Концептуален Модел за Устойчивост в Сигурността."IT4Sec Reports(2021):it4sec_reports_141_0.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Evaluating the Utility of Distance Learning Forms during the Covid-19 Pandemic."IT4Sec Reports(2020):it4sec_reports_137.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Оценка на Полезността на Формите за Дистанционно Обучение по Време на Пандемия от Коронавирус."IT4Sec Reports(2020):it4sec_reports_137_0.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"On Conflicts, Interests, Goals, Power, and Security."CSDM Views(2020):views_040_.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Demography, Capabilies and Security."IT4Sec Reports(2020):1-10.it4sec_reports_134.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"За конфликтите, интересите, целите, силата и сигурността."CSDM Views(2020):views_040_.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Демография, Способности и Сигурност."IT4Sec Reports(2020):1-10.it4sec_reports_134.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"The Variety of University Cyber Security Programs - Is it Useful and Justified?."CSDM Views(2020):
Venelin Georgiev"How People’s Behaviour Was Motivated during the Covid-19 Emergency Situation."CSDM Views(2020):views_039.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Как бяха Използвани Мотиваторите на Човешкото Поведение в Условията на Извънредно Положение и Пандемия от Коронавирус."CSDM Views(2020):views_039_0.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Profiling Human Roles in Cybercrime."Information & Security: An International Journal43,no. 2(2019):145-160.4313_cybercrime_profiling.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Embedding affordability assessments in military cost-benefit analysis: Defense Modernization in Bulgaria."Military Cost–Benefit Analysis: Theory and practice 13(2015):
Venelin Georgiev"Нива за Обучение на Персонала по Проблемите на Киберсигурността."IT4Sec Reports(2015):it4sec_reports_117_0.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"A Two-Level Model for Describing the Risk Profile in Formulating Policy and Developing Security Capabilities."IT4Sec Reports(2015):it4sec_reports_129.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Двустепенен Модел за Описание на Рисковия Профил при Формиране на Политика и Изграждане на Способности за Сигурност."IT4Sec Reports(2015):it4sec_reports_129_0.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Levels of Cybersecurity Training and Education."IT4Sec Reports(2015):it4sec_reports_117_1.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Стратегическа карта и балансирана система от показатели за ефективност – приложение при оценяване на дейността на структурите в БАН."IT4Sec Reports(2013):it4sec_reports_107.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecard - used for Assessing the Activities of the Entities in the BAS."IT4Sec Reports(2013):it4sec_reports_107.pdf
Todor Tagarev, Venelin Georgiev, Juha Ahokas"Evaluating the Cross-impact of EU Functions as a Global Actor and Protector of Critical Infrastructures and Supply Chains."Information & Security: An International Journal29,no. 1(2013):34-48.2903_Cross-Impact.pdf
Todor Tagarev, Venelin Georgiev, Petya Ivanova"Analytical Support to Critical Infrastructure Protection Policy and Investment Decision-Making."Information & Security: An International Journal28,no. 1(2012):13-20.28.01_Tagarev_Georgiev_Ivanova.pdf
Todor Tagarev, Venelin Georgiev, Valeri Ratchev"A Taxonomy of Essential Services."Radioelectronic and Computer Systems6,no. 58(2012):191-196.
Venelin Georgiev"Критична инфраструктура и защита: пътеки и стратегии за развитие на ЕС."IT4Sec Reports(2012):
Venelin Georgiev, Todor Tagarev"Колективна отбрана и сигурност – амбиции и възможности."IT4Sec Reports(2012):it4sec_reports_095.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Critical Infrastructure and Supply Chain Protection: EU possible development paths and strategies."IT4Sec Reports(2012):
Todor Tagarev, Venelin Georgiev"National R&T capacity in the interest of defence: Methodology for assessment and web platform for gathering and presenting information."IT4Sec Reports(2011):
Venelin Georgiev"Икономически аспекти на проекта за придобиване на многоцелеви самолети BGAF."IT4Sec Reports(2011):
Venelin Georgiev"Current issues in the acquisition of multirole fighters for the Bulgarian air force."CSDM Views(2011):views_001.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Актуални въпроси за придобиването на многоцелеви изтребители за българските ВВС."CSDM Views(2011):views_001.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"NATO’s Role in Implementing the Smart Defence Concept."IT4Sec Reports(2011):it4sec_reports_093.pdf
Todor Tagarev, Venelin Georgiev"Национален капацитет за изследвания и технологии в интерес на отбраната: Методика за оценяване и уеб-платформа за събиране и представяне на информация."IT4Sec Reports(2011):
Venelin Georgiev"Economic issues of the project for procurement of multirole fighters for Bulgaria's Air Force."CSDM Views(2011):views_004.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Икономически аспекти на проекта за придобиване на нов многоцелеви самолет за нуждите на ВВС на Република България."CSDM Views(2011):views_004.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Smart defence and management: A managerial view to the 2010 report on the status of Bulgaria’s defence and armed forces."CSDM Views(2011):views_002.pdf
Venelin Georgiev"Current issues in the acquisition of multirole fighters for the Bulgarian air force."CSDM Views(2011):views_001.pdf
Venelin Georgiev, Todor Tagarev"Balancing Ambitions and Resource Constraints in Shaping Collective Security and Defence Policies."IT4Sec Reports(2011):it4sec_reports_095.pdf
Todor Tagarev, Venelin Georgiev"Challenges of Multinational Acquisition of Capabilities in Black Sea Format."Information & Security: An International Journal27,no. 2(2011):174-182.27.16_ttvag.pdf