Klaas Gadeyne"Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Rigorous Bayesian Modeling of Autonomous Compliant Motion (Recursieve Monte Carlo methodes voor het autonoom uitvoeren van robottaken in contact)."dissertation(2005):
Klaas Gadeyne, Tine Lefebvre, Herman Bruyninckx"Bayesian Hybrid Model-State Estimation Applied to Simultaneous Contact Formation Recognition and Geometrical Parameter Estimation ."The International Journal of Robotics Research(2005):
Klaas Gadeyne"Sequential Monte Carlo methods for rigorous Bayesian modeling of Autonomous Compliant Motion."(2005):
Klaas Gadeyne, Tine Lefebvre, Herman Bruyninckx, Joris De Schutter"A Rigorous Bayesian Approach to Simultaneous Model Selection and State Estimation for Sensor-based robot tasks."(2003):